To record sales through the POS/cash register in the program:
1) In the Money section, a cash account with the type "Point of Sale" (Money -> Cash Accounts) and a bank account with the type "Merchant Account" (Money -> Bank Accounts) must be created. One account will be for registering sales for petty cash, the other for payment cards.
2) In the Sales section, you need to create a sales document with the type Sales Receipt. Each receipt can be registered in a separate document, or all receipts for the same day can be added in one document. If inventory control is not required, then only turnover/VAT from the Z-report can be recorded. After that, you need to add a payment to this document, dividing it into two money accounts - a cash account (payment by cash) and a merchant account (payment by card).
For all retail sales, you can create and use just one customer, such as Retail Customer
3) Money collected on a cash account can be transferred to another cash account (with the Cashbook type) or to a bank account by money transfer.
4) Payouts from a merchant account to a real bank account can be added upon bank reconciliation. This process can be automated by creating a reconciliation rule.
Available integrations with POS systems:
- Tiki Taka PAY (LV Only)