Bank Accounts

To add a new bank account:
1. Go to Money -> Bank Accounts 
2. Click on Create a New Bank Account button
3. Enter your bank's name 
4. Enter your bank account number
5. Select a General Ledger account (account from your Chart of Accounts) that will be linked to this bank account. Here you can also create a new GL account if needed. Pay attention that linked GL account cannot be changed later.
6. Choose the currency.
7. Select the account type: Bank, Credit Card, Merchant Account, PayPal or Other. 
Click Continue.

Cash Accounts

To add a new cash account:
1. Go to Money -> Cash Accounts 
2. Click on Create a New Cash Account button
3. Enter your cash account name 
4. Select a General Ledger account (account from your Chart of Accounts) that will be linked to this bank account. Here you can also create a new GL account if needed. Pay attention that linked GL account cannot be changed later.
5. Choose the currency.
6. Select the account type: Point of Sale or Cashbook. 
Click Continue.