There are two ways of how you can start receiving e-invoices automatically.
1) To receive an e-invoice from the other company within PayTraq, you can use PayTraq Direct. In this case both you and your supplier should be using PayTraq
2) To receive an e-invoice from the other company outside PayTraq, you can use the integration with one of e-invoice operators. In this case your supplier can be using any other accounting program.
All e-invoices will be delivered directly into your Purchase Inbox.
Furthermore, apart from the aforementioned choices, you have the option to submit a file containing an e-invoice by forwarding it to a designated email address. To obtain the email address, it is necessary to activate the PayTraq Direct channel within the Purchase Inbox.
Moreover, you have the ability to upload a file with an e-invoice by opting for the Import document feature (Purchases -> New operation -> Import a document) or by uploading it to Purchase Inbox through Purchases -> Purchase Inbox -> File Uploads (the activation of PayTraq Direct channel is required).
The supported formats for importing an electronic invoice include Estonian E-Invoice, Peppol UBL, and Paytraq XML.