Lot tracking allows you to maintain separate stock records for identical products by categorising them into different lots (or batch) numbers. This feature is especially useful for businesses that require a detailed inventory analysis and tracking of specific batches of products.
In order to keep track of products by lots, you'll first need to activate this option in your company profile settings My PayTraq -> Settings -> Company Profile -> General Info
Once this functionality is activated, lot tracking can be set up individually for each product requiring this type of accounting. This option can be accessed within each product's card.
Under lot tracking, a specific lot (or batch number) should be always associated with the product in all product movements such as purchases, sales, and inventory adjustments.
You also have the option to specify an expiration date when you're creating a new lot.
A complete list of product lots is available in the Warehouse -> Products -> Product Lots section. A new product lot can be created within this section, or directly in the purchase document when receiving the products.
In the document, when selecting a product, only active lots (those with the "Active" status) are displayed in the lot list.
When you create a document in sales, if the negative stock is not allowed for the relevant warehouse, only active lots with available balances are displayed for the product.
To view the remaining quantities by lots, you can refer to the product card in the "Inventory" section,
or you can navigate to Warehouse -> Inventory -> Current Inventory and activate the "Group by lots" option
It is not possible to account for the same product both with and without lots simultaneously. You must decide and set a consistent approach for tracking each product.