If you need help with something in PayTraq, you have the option to invite PayTraq customer support team into your company by granting them user access.

It's important to note that this action can only be performed by a primary user. If you're not a primary user but require support access, you'll need to reach out to them to proceed.

By adding a user, you give them access to your data. We will never modify any of your data. Nevertheless, you maintain control over the access levels granted, you may restrict the rights of the added user by closing access to certain sections and/or restricting them to read-only mode.

To add Customer Support as a user:

  1. Go to My Paytraq, select Users.
  2. Click on Grant Access to PayTraq Customer Support.

A PayTraq Support user will be created automatically.


Limit Customer Support rights

You can limit and restrict user access rights in the Permissions Setup, which you can access by clicking a key icon.


Remove Customer Support access

We highly recommend removing our access (by removing user PayTraq Support) as soon as we’ve resolved your query.   

To remove our access:

  1. Go to My Paytraq, select Users.
  2. Remove the user from the list by clicking on the trash bin icon.